
Composition 1:  “My school and favourite subjects”

Sts write about their school and their school subjects.  Use present simple tense.

Paragraph 1:  Sts say they are going to write about their school and the different subjects they are going to study each day.

Paragraph 2:  Sts describe their school (many classrooms, big playgrounds, sports fields, dining-room, etc.)

Paragraph 3:  Sts tell the different subjects they have got at school and the days.  Sts write a final sentence to conclude their work at the end of paragraph 3.

Composition 2:  “My interests and free time activities”

Sts write about their interests and free-time activities.  Use present simple tense.

Paragraph 1:  Sts say they are going to write about their interests and the activities they like doing after school and at the weekends. 

Paragraph 2:  Sts describe where they go after school, what they like doing and what they hate doing.

Paragraph 3:  Sts tell about the different free time activities they do at the weekends.    Sts add a concluding sentence that sums up their composition.

Composition 3: “My own profile”

Paragraph 1:  Sts say they are going to write their own personal profile.  They say they are going to tell about their favourite subjects at school and the things they like doing in their free time.

Paragraph 2:  Sts introduce themselves.  Sts say who they are, how old they are, where they study, their favourite subjects at school, and what they like doing after school.

Paragraph 3:  Sts tell about their ambitions or what they want to do, they also tell about their weak or negative points and also their strong or good points.  Sts must add a final sentence or question to conclude their profile.  Follow model on page 17 in St’s book.

Composition 4: “My two favourite seasons of the year”

Paragraph 1: Sts say they are going to write about the two seasons of the year they like best.  They say that the weather is very different in both seasons; they wear different clothes, and do different activities.

Paragraph 2:  Sts describe the first season they like.  Start with “One of my favourite seasons is … In … the weather is …” Say the different activities you do with your family and friends, and the clothes you wear. 

Paragraph 3: Sts describe the second season they like.  Start with “My second favourite season is … In … the weather is …” Say the different activities you do with your family and friends, and the clothes you wear.  To conclude, add one more sentence to tell what the weather is like today.

Use vocabulary studied in the book and present simple tense.

Composition 5:  “Describing a good friend”

Paragraph 1:  Say you are going to describe a good friend or your best friend.  Tell his/her name, how old he/she is, where he/she lives.

Paragraph 2:  Tell the things your friend likes doing in his/her free time, what he/she is very good at, his/her hobbies (favourite sport, music, singer, music band, food).  Tell how often you see him/her and what you do when you are together.

Paragraph 3:  Conclude your work telling why he/she is a good friend (Ex. good listener, keeps secrets, makes you laugh, is funny, often agrees with you, and helps you).  Use present simple tense.

Composition 6:   “A questionnaire-Tell us about yourself!”

Sts interview their mum, dad, brother, sister, or any family member they want.   Sts follow model of questionnaire on

page 32 in  St’s book and write their own questionnaire.      Make sure to include at least 12 questions and their answers.

Composition 7:  “ My favourite movie”

Paragraph 1:  Tell you are going to write about your favourite movie.  Tell the name of the movie and how much you liked the movie.  Use adjectives to describe how the movie was and how you felt. (film:  amusing, exciting, interesting, amazing; you: amused, excited, interested, amazed)

Paragraph 2:  Tell who the main actor (s) or actress (es) was.  Tell what the story was about:  how it began and the most interesting part or scene.

Paragraph 3:  Conclude by telling how the film ended and say again how you felt.  Use past tense.

Composition 8:  “I’ve got a story to tell”

Sts tell a story that was important to them.

Paragraph 1:  Say you are going to write a story about a special day in your life. Say where you went and who you went with. (Ex. a camping day with your family, a day at

the beach, at the park, at the zoo, at a museum, etc.)

Paragraph 2:  Using time words like: “During the night/day, First, Suddenly, Then, After that, The next morning”, say the different activities you did there.

Paragraph 3:  To conclude your story, tell what you and your family did in the end and add a sentence telling how you felt after all.

See model in St’s book page 45, Ex. 9.

Composition 9:  “A biography”

Sts. find out information about a famous person in books or Internet.  They organize information as follows. 

Paragraph 1:  Tell who the person was, why he/she was famous, and when and where he/she was born.  

Paragraph 2:  Tell about the good things this person did in his/her lifetime.  Use sequence words like:  “later, next, then, when, while, after that”.  If possible, describe the person’s physical appearance.

Paragraph 3: Conclude your composition saying the last thing this person did.  Say when he/she died. 

Use past simple tense and vocabulary studied in the unit.  See model in St’s book,  p. 49

Composition 10: “A film review”

Sts write a review of a film they liked.

Paragraph 1:  Say you are going to write a film review of a movie you watched.  Say the title of the film, the kind of film it was, and who directed it.

Paragraph 2: Tell what happened in the story, who was in the film, and where the action happened.

Paragraph 3:  To conclude, give your opinion of the film.  Say what you didn’t like and what you liked about it.  Say the good and bad things of the film.

Follow model in St’s book, p. 54.  Pay attention to present and past tenses.

Composition 11: “The most exciting places I’ve ever visited”

Sts write about two places they visited.  Then compare those using comparative and superlative adjectives.

Paragraph 1:  Tell you are going to write about two beautiful places you visited.  Tell the name of those places, when you went there, and who you went with.

Paragraph 2:  First describe one of the places; tell the things you liked (museums, shops, beaches, hotels, food, parks, transport, cafés, etc.)  Then describe the second place like you did with the first.

Paragraph 3:  To conclude, compare things that are better, worse, bigger, more beautiful, more expensive, cheaper, nicer, etc. in one place than in the other.  Write a final sentence using superlative adjectives to compare some of the things with those in your country.

Composition 12: “My favourite sport and rules”

Paragraph 1:  Sts say they are going to write about their favourite sport.  Say the name of the sport and that you must follow some rules to play it safely and fairly.

Paragraph 2:  Tell the name of the sport you play, where you play it, and when or how often you practice this sport.  Say some of the rules that are important to play the sport safely (equipment, number of players, place, rules to play, etc.)  Use must.

Paragraph 3:  Begin this paragraph with, “However, there are some things you mustn’t do when you play this sport.”  Then tell some of the things you mustn’t do.  End with a concluding sentence that tells how much you enjoy playing this sport and how important it is to follow the rules.

Composition 13:  “A sports event”
Paragraph 1:  Sts say they are going to write about a sports event and about their favourite sportsman/sportswoman.  They say the name of the sportsman/sportswoman and the sport he/she plays. They tell where he/she was born, his/her age, and when he/she started playing the sport.
Paragraph 2:  Sts write about the most important competitions or events in this sport. Tell when you went to see him/her play and where.  Tell what happened in the last event when this person played.
Paragraph 3: Sts tell what they like the most about this person.  Sts add a final sentence telling what helps this person to be so good at this sport.
Use present and past simple tenses.

Composition 14:  “My country profile” (Due Monday, May 7)

Sts make a country profile for their country.  They may ask parents or use the Internet.

Paragraph 1:  Sts tell what country they were born.  They say the capital of the country, how big it is, how many people live there, and where it is located.

Paragraph 2:  Sts say what the weather is like in their country in summer and winter.  They say what places people love visiting in their country (beaches, parks, mountains, zoos, cafés, museums).  Tell the different kinds of animals that live in your country and where they live.

Paragraph 3:  Tell about the most popular sports in your country and the most popular sportsmen or sportswomen.  Add a final sentence to tell your country is special and say why.  See model in St’s book, p. 76.

Composition 15:  “My healthy diet during the weekend”

Paragraph 1:  Stssay they are going to write about what they eat during the weekend.  They say they are going to say what they usually have for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, and what kind of snacks they have at mid-morning or mid-afternoon.

Paragraph 2:  Begin with, “On Saturday, I usually …” Say all you eat during the day.  Don’t skip any meal.

Paragraph 3: Do the same as in paragraph 2. Begin with “On Sunday, I often …”

To conclude your work, write another sentence telling a secret to your healthy life.   Use present simple tense and adverbs of frequency.

Composition 16: A letter of advice

 Paragraph 1:  Opening


How are you?……

Paragraph 2:  Give advice about a problem

You should……… You should’t……..,

Paragraph 3: Closing.

I hope this helps…..

Best wishes,

Follow model from page 79 in the workbook. Exercises 7 and 8

Composition 17: “A holiday with a difference”

Paragraph 1:  Sts say they think they will go on a holiday with their parents soon and they will tell the places they will visit and the different kinds of transportation they will use to travel during the holiday. 

Paragraph 2:  Sts say where they will go, who they will go with, and when.  Begin with “I think next … I will go to … with …” Then say how you will travel to the place and how you will move around the city or town (fly by plane, take a taxi, go by train, take a coach, get a ferry, go in a helicopter, ride a bike, take a boat).

Paragraph 3:  Sts write a few sentences to conclude their work saying how they think the kind of transport in that place will be (clean, comfortable, fast, slow, cheap, expensive) and what kind of transport they think they will like best. 

Use will.


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